Sunday, July 24, 2011


I cannot even begin to tell you all that has happened.  I feel so behind, and I'm not sure when I'll ever catch up at this point. Let me just say that right now we are in Armenia. It is not at all what I expected, but nothing has been so far. It was dark when we got here, but from what I can see from the balcony now, it's going to be a mix of old beauty and just plain old. I saw mount Ararat faintly in the distance and it is beautiful. I am glad to be here, and I'm ready to get this show on the road.
The time we spent in Poland was a whole trip in itself. I never imagined I would get to go to Auschwitz and Birkenau, and it was like a strange dream come true. I say strange because concentration camps aren't typical places one dreams of visiting. But if you know me and my fascination with Jewish culture and the twisted psychology behind the Holocaust, then you will understand. I loved it. I'll write more later on that.
We also visited the historic Jewish Quarter and it was amazing and sad. We saw where the Warsaw ghettos were and one part of the wall around the ghetto still remains. Crazy.
We also did some shopping and we had AMAZING food. I'm looking forward to all that is to come and hopefully to having more time to tell you about it.

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